– A U T H O R –
Our country is going to hell and if you can’t see it, you, my friend, are blind. It’s time for every one of us to say no more, you, me, and all of you other people out there. Do you think one crusty, brain-dead old man could cause all of this destruction; hell no, this is coordinated to keep us bewildered and docile! Stand up in whatever form of protest you desire, or be part of your own country’s destruction. Other than that, have a great day.
Twenty twenty-three now behind us clean,
Nation’s gone broke feeding the war machine.
Illegals stream in unchecked, by President’s hand,
And we’re told to like it, or go pound sand.
Shit forced upon us, like the “new green deal,”
Then squeezed for cash till our pockets squeal.
Try to push covid vax around again;
Bullshit brother, never now, never then.
Politics used for a divisive sledge,
Go break the rules, long as you drive a wedge.
Feel free to challenge Supreme law of land,
If we don’t care for it, well, go pound sand.
Movie heroes mostly silent or woke,
Trusting any news source became a joke.
Speech, religion, stomped on; protecting our rights,
Called terrorists when we’re backed into fights.
Stop fair elections, they don’t like our views,
Strangle republic, conservative views.
Patriots, that’s enough! No more lies do we stand,
Liberals can’t take the truth? Please feel free to pound sand.
© 2022, Walter Stephen Geeding | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy