– A U T H O R –
However, my wife got wind of it and demanded I put in one from her perspective; so be it. I told you all I’m far from perfect, as are we all. That said, today is not the day for self-destructive discourse. Perhaps I should try harder.
Disconnect somewhere, but darn it I try,
Tied to the Earth, still yearning to fly.
Like a cook filling some fat man’s larder,
Constantly told that I must try harder.
Patience and humor running quite low,
Heartstrings stretched out from blow after blow.
Caustic remarks from a non-starter,
Wheels spin, working hard but not smarter.
Wonder if I’m the badman I hear,
Walling up inside, want no one near;
Painful, but this soul’s not for barter,
Still insides say I must try harder.
Ducking and weaving, blocking the punches,
Going on instinct, play out my hunches.
Reeling sometimes, know well I’m no martyr,
Also aware, this ain’t in my Charter.
Emotions worn-out, trying for happy,
Without doubt, situation is crappy.
Never a quitter, and less do I run,
Hard pressed, I’m wounded, coming undone.
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