– A U T H O R –
The dog made me do it, is my only excuse. Well, I’m no angel, but times are tough right now, so for the next few blogs I’m putting my emotions on display. Enjoy, or don’t, “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.” Sayeth the great Rhett Butler.
Building the fence, my dog escapes the yard,
He doesn’t go far he didn’t run hard.
Right down the road, and then on up the hill,
Finally, a pause to roll in road-kill.
Isn’t car wise, me hoarse trying to holler,
Hug stinky neck, dog is wearing no collar.
Rescue arrives, a rope brought by my wife,
Smoke from her ears, me in fear for my life.
Poor dog in the middle, dragged up the road,
We don’t say much, she’s about to explode.
Home as more choice words echo down the drive,
I lag behind, happy to be alive.
Ended ok, though my crime is still hazy,
Either me or dog got that woman crazy.
If he escapes again, I know what I’ll do,
He’ll have to walk slower cause I’m going to!
© 2022, Walter Stephen Geeding | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy