It’s mind-blowing watching how politics, skullduggery, and violence put us, Jim and Jane Citizen, in the crosshairs without a thought to our well-being. Do you really think these people give a dingle for us? So what, you ask, is the answer? How the heck should I know; I’m just here putting down my thoughts. Perhaps eternity is the solution. Power mongers, those who prey on others, you and I, all face eternity in time. For me, eternity in the present is being able to think eternally free thoughts until me, and my maker meet again. Eternity in the future will be that time; I can’t say I’m ready, but I’ll be damned if I let others think for me. My sphere of free-thinking tries to be silenced by a select few, but last time I checked, we were not communists…yet. In the words of the late great Jimi Hendrix, “Hey, Joe, where you gonna run to now, where you gonna go? I’m goin’ way down south, way down Mexico way, Ain’t no one gonna find me.” Watch the crowd’s man; that border crossing sucks.
It’s here in my mind that I sit,
Forever in this place, I be.
Smack dab and square within a space,
The crosshairs of eternity.
There is nowhere for me to run,
And more, no place where I’m so free.
As looking down a lifetime scope,
Those crosshairs of eternity.
My poetic life is quite fine,
Describing all the world, I see.
Nevermore to miss long-range shots,
Through crosshairs of eternity.