Can’t wait to see America become the land of the free again.
I mean free these shackles, masks, fear of speaking your mind, being so politically correct you can’t say what is in your heart. Everything matters, most of all free speech without the fear of repercussion from a vocal minority of some persuasion. Freedom, that’s what it’s all about. We have it; do you think China or Russia does? Freedom is not perennial; it must be attained at great cost and sacrifice. Whether you’re a lefty, a righty, or an in between it does not matter. Do not let freedom leave your vision, ever. Once gone, it is only a rearranged memory, history dictated by a few individuals who have all the money, power, and freedom. We are great, let us keep it that way. Stand up and be counted, that’s all that counts.
To be sure you’re out in numbers, led by faceless spies
Who put you in strategic places, fill you with their lies.
When the dust settles, hear fallen traitors’ listless sighs
America stands strong, for those with courage freedom flies.