– A U T H O R –
There comes a time when every citizen has to ask themselves, is all that is asked of me in my best interest? Does our morality have to crumble? Indeed, our resolve to live free dissipate for the elite few? The answer is hell no! Should we stand idle and watch the foundations of this country fall into disrepair to satisfy the whims of a vocal minority or a handful of actors? By actors, I include the media and government; the answer again is an emphatic hell no! We are America; you, me, no matter what race or creed. Stand up on your hind legs and act like it, don’t let freedom be stripped away by fear of the unknown. Think about our original revolutionaries; they took on a super-power that controlled the world; and WON! Rock and roll, lock and load.
The year shot by, people really don’t care,
Bogged down by disease, riots filled the air.
Crippled by congress, canceled by the few,
Afraid to speak up, though right thing to do.
Months on end heard bogus racial filled hate,
Till leader stole millions, left through back gate.
Cities burned, mayors said peaceful protest,
Goodbye to last year, ANTIFA, the rest.
Heard nothing but doom, gloom, national tv,
Tried hard to snuff thinking: freedom ain’t free.
Money boys, big pharma, made media prance,
Behind us now, Republic still has chance.
Borders porous made “legals” realize worth,
Changing their thinking, national rebirth.
Those in charge figure we’re all out to lunch,
Goodbye to last year, so long, good riddance.
Cover-up lasts for a while then implodes,
Confidence sooner or later erodes.
We all are not dunces, as we say goodbye,
Don’t tread on us,” last year,” we spit in your eye!
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