– A U T H O R –
How many times do I have to hear about masks, vaccines, how our highest Court in the land is negligent? Enough is too much; some little worm with blood on his hands from working on the aids virus tells us to trust him, and like sheep, we do. Get a jab, take another, get continuing boosters forever; oh yes, and continue to wear masks. Never mind that science says they don’t work or that science says natural immunity is many times more efficient than shot after shot; just blindly obey. Is that what we’ve denigrated to? How many illegal, un-vaxxed people have to be released into our population before we realize this is a political ploy. Guys, this is manipulation on a mass scale, not for the good of the people but for political gain, fronted by a man infamous for doing the same thing in the 1980s with the AIDs vaccine; take heed.
Why do politicians all seem to work with the Chinee?
Chinese mates, insiders, pharma shares, but not to me.
Seems folks in office got a whole lot more than they should,
Keep trusting ones in power; cause baby, it’s all good.
Virus from Chinese lab, working like a charm,
Expert says it’s alright, jab this in your arm.
Forget AIDS and 80s; time to be moving on,
Knew naught about virus; no funds to Wuhan.
We’ve not let countless cross down south then disappear,
Ignore quiet busses, migrants clean, have no fear.
Wear masks forever, scare is working we knew it would,
Natural immunity? Ignore that; it’s all good.
Shots, boosters forever, be very afraid,
We’ll fly to Florida you drink our Kool-aide.
Forced vax killed by SCOTUS, didn’t vote as they should,
Pack the Court like ballots, possibly we could,
Be woke or racist; progressives mean no harm,
We own you anyway; chain’s there in your arm.
Stop the bullshit people, separate falsehood,
Arms to arms, back-to-back; baby, it’s all good.
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