Personally, acting strictly on impulse has often resulted in pain to me, both figuratively and physically. Over the years, through trial and error, a strategy developed. I’d listen or watch whatever drama was unfolding, then take care of it. Most of the time, this works. A lot of what you’re seeing or hearing happen will not be as bad as it first appears. Other times, a big stick might be the only solution. Far be it for me to lie to you and say I haven’t tried the latter. Top of the day to you, Steve.
We often run to battle without thought,
Someone wanting to test out our mettle.
No strategy, mostly lead on instinct,
Never thinking to let the dust settle.
How about we play it a bit wiser?
Put temper on the far backside of the tongue.
Do not hustle quickly into mix-up,
Powder drifts down, not move, till whole song sung.
Ponder reason, is foray intended?
Perhaps person there just wants to nettle.
Could be someone who’s not yet on your page,
Break in time to check; let the dust settle.
First emotions easily lead to hurt,
If one guided by knee-jerk goes to war.
Let hazy particles leave, so air clears,
Civilized veneer, though other’s a boor.
Never smart to rush headfirst toward fight,
Hard-won wisdom, use the soft soap peddle.
Argument’s painful, take a second look,
Grab a big stick, then let the dust settle.