– A U T H O R –
So many are filled with hate, over what exactly? Look around; do you think anywhere else on earth has what you do? No place does, I’ve been to a couple, and third-world countries suck; for the people, I mean. Count your blessings, dudes; so many others do not even dream of such abundance. Our country stands in spite of all efforts within and without to take her down. Be proud; you are a part of the greatest show on earth; act like it.
Think inside what you are happiest for,
No end of bounty, and yet you want more.
Some gratitude for the way you’re living,
Credit country where there is Thanksgiving.
Cornucopia, free life, you and I,
Old Glory flies while granny cuts the pie.
Countless countries starve; count your blessing,
Fill up on Turkey, then go protesting.
Look hard for skinny folk; there ain’t many,
No boycotting food in land of plenty.
Liberty watches marchers without sounding,
While we give thanks like our father’s founding.
It is hard to see, sometimes appalling,
Unsavvy few, ignorant catcalling.
People try not to be insult slinging,
Brainwashed insist on song hatred’s singing.
Many love this place, honor not bested,
Alive with pride, since Republic tested.
Our great land judges each person on merit,
Be happy on Thanksgiving, smile, and share it.
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