– A U T H O R –
9) “Opportunities multiply as they are seized. ‘You have to believe in yourself.” Sun Tzu
Unwittingly, the same people who want me so badly, push me away. These brushes with the law
give multiple chances for me to look at myself from the inside; something is lacking. Never one to quit, I
start clawing upward and onward; it takes years. Three attempts at college, kicking the hard drug habit,
and a chat with God later, I’m here. Prosecuting Attorney, defense attorney, writer, husband, father,
grandfather; I have it all. Who says being bullheaded doesn’t pay, of course, I always take the path less
Thank you, God, for allowing this man a chance to learn by placing untrained cops on my tail, for
having Sun Tzu to instruct me through the ages, and giving me strength to believe in myself.
Ain’t life grand?
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