– A U T H O R –
Of course, I can, I’m not politically correct, and some might say I’m socially unacceptable. That is alright; I will be me, live your life as best you can; I do. So be happy in all you do and spread it around. Happy doesn’t cost much and can be quite powerful when used correctly. How many friends have you made being a Grinch? Yea, I thought so; spread that love all over. Smile, maybe someone else will get infected; why you could have a plandemic of happy going on around you. Ta ta.
A walk on quiet road, darkness the sky,
Magic lays heavy; to resist, not I.
There in the East, a glow effervescent,
Home of the fairies, big orange crescent.
Hanging in silence, watching as I go,
No light to speak of, still wonderful show.
Touching on gravel, caress creek with care,
Be here or miss it, soon will not be there.
Tinkle of laughter behind tree and bush,
Just out of ear-sight, one fairy says shush.
Glow on my hand, almost iridescent,
Hear them slide down, long orange crescent.
Morning still tarries, moon still hanging on,
Know fairy-land disappears with the dawn.
Back to the West, I’ll observe while I can,
Glowing fairy playground, scarce seen by man.
Skip to my feet; soul fills up all inside,
Fun-park soon takes break behind sun to hide.
Be you old one, adult, or pre-pubescent,
Fairies call; come out enjoy orange crescent.
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