Will we exist in a one world government, as it seems the elite few would have us scared into or perhaps start a new world. A cleaner cheerier place can be attained where new beginnings aren’t dreams, they happen. All things you can conceive are possibilities in this existence, new starts happen under the strangest circumstances. Puppets and sheep don’t have the luxury of possibilities, they are led or manipulated. The ability to write this piece of my mind would be an affront to an elitist, and in their world probably illegal. I’m nothing but a country boy writer saying what is on my mind. A new beginning would be wonderful wouldn’t it? Clean air, people unafraid to walk outside, friends making friends; wouldn’t that be incredible? The Beginning of a new world, is it just a dream or a future possibility? Up to you. In my dreams, The Beginning, is the start of all things beautiful with evil long left behind. Imagination is a wonderful thing, never lose it.
In the beginning there was darkness only
The Creator thought of peopling the land
We dance and sing his praises
For He is the leader of the band
There is never fear or hunger
Mankind leaves evil far behind
We all live in peace and happiness
With naught but love to fill our mind