– A U T H O R –
“Hey, wasn’t his name Danny? The same Danny who stole your Triumph and all our money, right? He is the Danny we are talking about, I believe.” Jim really twisted the knife, but he was right.
Endless Times series, Volume One: The Path of Kokopelli chapter 10, page 98
Danny was something else; in real life, we gave him a ride just as we were about to run out of gas after being kicked out of Wyoming. “We’ll give you a lift until we hit empty,” I said, “after that, we’re all walking.” “Na,” he answered, “pull into that Howard Johnson’s.” We did, and the fine art of panhandling was shown to us. “You guys want to get rich?” he said as we pulled out with a full tank. Stupid question, right? Next stop, Kansas pot fields outside of Junction City. We picked, bricked, and headed for Massichucis.
What a life, thousands of dollars, and poor ignorant farm boys turned loose on the world with more money than they ever imagined. Drugs, women, concerts, anything you can’t imagine. We came back for more pot. He cleaned us out, my new chopper and all the money, and disappeared, leaving us one last lesson. Don’t trust anyone. It’s all good, expanded our universes ten-fold, plus that last bit of education I’ve never forgotten. I still see Santana, Black Magic Woman, and those guys in orange leather outfits, a huge outdoor crowd. Still remember looking up at where the rain came from; some guy was high on acid, in a tree taking a leak. Back then, you just moved out of range and laughed.
Just another day in the life; later, Steve.
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