– A U T H O R –
5) “The quality of decision is like the well-timed swoop of a falcon which enables it to strike and destroy its victim: deciding to act is only successful if action is appropriate for the situation. Quality strategy is important, but recognizing the moment to strike and execute is important as well!” Sun Tzu
Yea, well I’m not perfect, and my timing for executing and swapping barbs with stupid cops is never well-timed or appropriate. Presently, I’m mad enough my ‘give a shit’ level and caution have gone on vacation, but nothing shows. I sit here naked, laughing at a bunch of frustrated law-men after they’ve failed again. Add to that, in the recent past, my big mouth has reminded Two Finger Jack he couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn. I’ve not so jokingly told Fat Clint he’s so fat it’s been years since he saw his own … feet. I have even taken the opportunity of remarking to one deputy who can roll his own cigarettes with one hand, that I’m jealous. I can’t resist implying they are no better, or in fact, worse than me, and it’s easy getting around them. I know better; stupidity supplies its own reward; they do not forget. Eyes glitter, and from this time forward the power hiding in those badges will be used to good effect against me.
One finally says “Get your clothes on, Walter, you look silly sitting there naked; then get out of here, you’re free to go.” To which I can’t resist replying, “How about a ride back to my car?” This falls on deaf ears as I walk out the door. Unfortunately, the stage is set. I can feel it, change is in the wind.
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