I don’t know if I would have written my first book if it wasn’t for raising bees. It’s not that I
didn’t want to, I have written hundreds of poems which by the way, are being formatted for print.
Somehow being an attorney and writing books didn’t leave time for breathing. Then my bees
disappeared, and one year every hive on my road became empty. I sat down to write. Before I looked
up, three years quietly crept away. I had written a fantasy/science fiction/creationism trilogy based on
facts happening in our world today. Now I can’t stop.
My new time travel/ fantasy series involves true historical events happening in whatever time
my protagonists end up in. The first is set in 1822 New Mexico when William Becknell was the first
American the Mexicans let in to trade. The first novel of my new set of books is due out in early 2020.
Presently I work on the second one, of course, only for relaxation and in my spare time! The latest one’s
setting is 1849. California’s gold rush is on.
Why would an English Major go into law? What an easy question to answer, money. That is not
the case here, now I share adventures long stored away in my head. How exciting, I live, explore, travel
the universe from the inside. Enjoy.
If I could do one thing for someone it would be to encourage them to read. Become an explorer,
the luckiest, or the best. Who cares? Whatever can be is you are bound to reality by a single thin bond,
your imagination. Only the strongest survive you know: by their wits! Steve
What makes a man, his muscles?
Some folk would think it so.
Though I’ve met men so small they bend
When winds would barely blow
In my eyes they loomed tall
For the power of the mind
Takes men equipped like Hercules
And leaves them far behind
Be just and fair; think good thoughts
For others do all you can
Try your best at what you do
My friend you will be a man.