– A U T H O R –
It occurred to me one day we celebrate milestones in our lives, that are also markers indicating that we as humans march onward toward a very certain future. All of us, whether we admit it or not, will one day meet the grim reaper, or unite with God in whatever form you worship. Mortality is a bitter pill, and most don’t like the taste. Live well, treat others nice, prepare for eternity, it has always been here, always will be; I guess that’s why it’s called eternity, right?
16,18,21, or Life and Death
The world around keeps on turning quicker,
On its own schedule, cannot catch your breath.
Puny humans label fast speeding years,
Sixteen, eighteen, twenty-one, life and death.
Signposts, passing time or accomplishment,
Sixteen, driver’s license, no one can wait,
Freedom the road, say goodbye mom and dad,
For some life cut short, cruel mistress is fate.
Eighteen comes with privilege and purpose,
Go vote, or sign up, see some country’s shore.
Brave soldiers fall, become war’s casualties.
World moves on, those heroes with us no more.
Twenty-one, now you’re adult every way,
From here on out, a long walk down the trail,
Good times or pitfalls, diamonds and dust,
Succeeding mostly but sometimes you fail.
Three score and twenty, way on down the road,
Most look shocked to find they made it this far.
Try not to live dictated by numbers,
Production up to you, be your own star.
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