– A U T H O R –
He was injured, hungry, and cold so my wife and I took him in. A thousand or so in surgery and assorted other vet bills later, Tom is fine. He has trained us well, we let him out when he feels liked it and he comes in the same way. I’d say he has a dog’s life, but they have to stay outside. Yea, all our critters are mistreated!
(Tom asleep on trashcan)
Tom had a long morning exploring,
There were dogs and damp upon the ground.
So, he found an elevated perch,
And plunked his furry body down.
Curled weary tail round tired nose,
Silent breeze and lodging not half-bad.
Then he slept in quiet solitude,
Where security could still be had.
Three dogs romped through a sunny yard,
Around the snoozing hot-tinned cat.
He cared nothing for their antics,
Gave not a hoot where they were at.
Horizon somehow found smiling sun,
Evening caught up to the running day.
Whiskers twitched as the damp came on,
Jumped down, stretched, and walked away.
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