He was high, drunk, and crazy mad with a smoking 30.30 in his hands.
“Hey man, we gave you some beer. We didn’t come in,” I stammered. The rifle leveled right between my eyes. From experience, at a range of three feet, the bore of a 30.30 is about the same size as a small cannon. “Run, you son of a bitch, or I’ll kill you right here,” he kept screaming. I ran for my life while people squirted out of every window and crack they could find. I’m certain he found me because my heart beat so loud. “Not far enough,” he laughed; “I said run.” Bam, bam, two more shots whistled by my head. The guy had tracked me in total darkness. This time, two or three miles went by under my feet before they slowed. Come to find out, he really was a certified nut who had actually shot someone. No, I most certainly had not forgotten what it felt like having someone shoot at me.
The Endless Times series: The Path of Kokopelli, page 27
He tore my car up; when I went back for it the next day, I stopped at a neighbor to explain. A car pulled up; it was him. “Aunt Mary,” he said, “is that guy bothering you?” “No, dear,” she replied; he nodded and drove off. “Don’t mind him,” she said, “he’s crazy; just don’t irritate him; he shot one man in the foot.” I dragged my car off and fixed it elsewhere.
Yea, this is me in another life, where my past is often more unbelievable than the fiction I write. I incorporate real-life escapades into every book; currently, I’m working on my fifth novel in this series. The Path of Kokopelli will be joined by number two, Murphy’s Diggins August 2022; volumes three and four await editing. Check out my website for more crazy life stories.