– A U T H O R –
He sleeps in it and only begrudgingly lets me have it at the end of the day. That’s not without two or three complaints before yawning and slipping out. Even then he’s sitting somewhere watching, waiting for a chance to reclaim his stolen throne. Oh, I never see him looking, other than a sideways glance or two, but as soon as my feet hit the floor, he’s all ears and feline sneaky. One room away I hear my wife laughing; I look back, there’s Tom sound asleep, lost in innocent dreams. After his hour long farm chores, he comes in so exhausted he barely makes it to the food bowl and to bed, or chair. Good job Major Tom, I love you anyway.
Doggone cat wants my chair, oh what will I do?
Poor guy all innocent, gives me silent cue.
Dad I’m sleepy, vacate, time for you to go,
Quick sideways glance, yawning, putting on his show.
Thirty seconds maximum, if I leave this chair,
Up he’ll jump, close eyes tight, like I was never there.
Sleeps right here in the nighttime, once I’m off to bed,
Gets up for the food bowl then outside he will head.
Does his duty, checks the farm, quickly makes morning rounds,
Sits by the gate eyeballs me, makes sure to rile the hounds.
Back inside, farm chores done, oh jeez life’s so unfair,
Clear the way, I’m exhausted, darn cat wants my chair!
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