I am on a never-ending quest for enlightenment. Have you noticed how once in a while a phrase or word sticks in your head? Yea, me too, but that is a ok with me. Take it one step further, did you ever take said word or phrase and try to rhyme it? No, well why not? There is a universe waiting to be explored in your head. Ride the wave, take a plunge into a world uncluttered by acronyms of people who must not know how to write anymore. Can you rhyme two? How ‘bout four? Rhyme till you can’t rhyme no more. Send your special someone a simple rhyme and watch the reaction; it is priceless. You, my friend, have just given a part of yourself to say to them: you’re worth it. Doesn’t have to be good, just from the heart. You know that wellspring from which all good is obtained? You may be surprised, and a budding poet is born, or not. What the heck, whatever you put down is still better then OMG or LMAO.