Everything peachy keen, job
secure, got the warm fuzzies about the future in general? Of course you don’t because normalcy is now an antiquated word. Normal now comes complete with facemasks, vaccinations, and media blackout free of charge for objectionable content. How wonderful to live where we are being cared for so
efficiently. I for one was born free, and intend dying that way. For me, this is the winter of my
discontent. This whole control thing is warped. What happened to land of the free, home of the brave. I
prefer living and dying on as close to my own terms as possible. For those of you who don’t mind having
someone else make up your mind for you, cheers. I salute the new world you free thinkers have fallen
into; it is such a brave new world isn’t it? Nod your head, go with the other sheep, all things are perfect;
just ignore the man behind that curtain over there. You know the one pulling the strings and levers. It’s
only your life being manipulated.
Got yourself a real good job?
Oh so now you must have three
Still wonder what rich folks do?
Ain’t your place, just let it be
Voice muted, goose step in time
To some unknown master’s tune
Forget we once were mighty
Placed a giant on the moon
We Spoke, people listened
Not just to handful of freaks
Oh winter discontented
Now live in valley, no more peaks.