Nine-tenths of the world was water, and mankind for the most part, was water people, living in cities under the sea. Great creatures swam the sea and lived on the land. Mankind was in total during this age, less than one hundred thousand inhabitants worldwide. The ability to live in harmony with ourselves and the universe was ours. Differing nations had no wars nor politics as you know them. A leader was selected yearly for each city. This leader was chosen by the people for being one who was most public minded, and who had only the good of others in his or her heart. Leaders were chosen for their attributes; not because of a desire to have a job telling others how to run their lives. As a result, we lived for hundreds of thousands of years governed by those who had a love of the race who wanted the best for the people and not themselves.
We all walked a straight path
Myself and so many others
Life for us was always good
Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers.
Greed overtook a man one day
Cast aside the joy of caring
Wanted only useless power
Desired all and gave up sharing.
The Creator who had said its good
Looked down with only sorrow
Now what we had is lost to all
For us there is no tomorrow.
A few remain to remember
To recall the awful cost
When life was love and happiness
It’s now the paradise we lost.