– A U T H O R –
Thank your lucky stars you live in a land where if you want to despise our national symbol, however irrational, (my opinion) you, as a product of your current environment that condones such actions, are permitted to voice it without being shot. Your opinion, as well as that of Nation’s heart, is heard. This land, you, me, and our kids will endure. God Bless America!
Our land’s gone crazy; we’ve let it, I think,
If flag droops a bit, quiet caused the sink.
Despite each attempt, look into the skies,
Undaunted, Old Glory, freedom still flies.
Fools have forgotten, been told not to care,
They drive fancy cars, eat well, dress with flair.
Heroes stand waiting, listening; patience dies,
Not for long, people bruised; our country cries.
Now warned, holding fast, staid with all the rest,
Each dog has its day; we rise to the test.
Breaking point coming, common folk have eyes,
Flag whipping harder, look there, freedom flies.
Just so much crow, hell we’re but flesh and bone,
Damn idiots will not leave well alone.
Traitors keep spouting sugar-coated lies,
Take us for granted; ignore strength and size.
Technical challenge, unseen cowards attack,
Embrace the new dawn; there’s no going back.
We’re watching, gauging, eyes stay on the prize,
Flag snapping angry, stand up, freedom flies.
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