– A U T H O R –
Celebrating liberty and freedom; what’s it mean, anything? Those stars and stripes aren’t to desecrate or despise; they represent brave souls who died so it could fly. That flag allows citizens the freedom of choice, which so many take for granted. Here, you can have your own opinion and voice it in safety, unlike anywhere else on earth. Thank God, God bless America!
Why do we stand in the shadow of flag?
How does banner strengthen when our spirits sag?
Where does the world go seeking safe haven?
Who fights for freedom, for fools, the craven?
Who cares the color, man, woman, or child,
That flag stands for courage, shields meek and mild.
Turns away terror, holds back the horror,
Covers our warriors; for that loss, we’re poorer.
Tells the whole world we stand united nation,
Americans, no matter your station.
Proud to the bone, and best you believe me,
Don’t love that flag? Please go somewhere else free.
Walk down the street, then kneel if you care to,
Don’t salute it if that’s what you don’t do.
Respect your freedom; that flag got you here,
Remember, millions of us hold it dear.
When you see a soldier, think on that flag,
Too many fought for it, came home in a bag.
If you can’t be proud, at least keep quiet,
That flag’s my honor, disrespect? Try it!
© 2022, Walter Stephen Geeding | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy