– A U T H O R –
I’ve been here awhile, don’t hassle the old dog, he’s grumpy, and he’s still got teeth. All jesting aside, it’s a pretty good bet there are a few million more out there who feel this way. Thanks, Steve.
Whose road is this of rock and mud?
Mine, paid with hard work, sweat and blood.
Those fields and all those hills you see,
American, land of the free.
Don’t let this land we love so much,
Be stole in mindless shuffling clutch
Strings now direct this stumbling shell,
He’ll blow our freedoms all to hell.
Protect your piece of stone and dirt,
Our freedom’s not theirs to subvert.
Faith, guts, and blood got what you see,
America, land of the free.
With back to wall, we protect home,
Till laid down in beloved loam.
Push comes to shove; we will push back,
Conviction ours; that’s what they lack.
Like river there, I get my say,
Won’t have it any other way.
Back off is just no part of me,
America: land where I’m free.
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