– A U T H O R –
Celebrating liberty necessitates looking at its extreme cost. Independence is won with blood and sacrifice. You think those holding the power want to give it up? Hell no, freedom ain’t free, baby! This poem acknowledges the needless deaths of some of our best. Stand, stand strong; God bless America.
First flag in our land, twelve plus one proud stars.
Shining as sovereign dignity long seen.
Left dying needlessly on hostile shore,
Life flickers out while serving, brave thirteen.
Hearing naught but drivel. “Did country proud.”
Gutless man deserts us, memories demean.
This banner forgot in the thirteenth hour,
Leader disgraces United States Marine.
Seems calculated, country’s reeling on.
No matter the move, it’s all smokescreen.
Left sells us out, as right-hand waves about,
Honor-less, courage defiled, taints thirteen.
Ignorance kills knowledge to know we’re free,
Do we tell our children what might have been?
Or spit on kneelers who insult our home,
Stand, not snake belly low, all serpentine.
Make leaders work toward public will,
If they pay no mind, time to wipe slate clean.
Wake up, make soldiers’ sacrifice worthwhile,
Remember baker’s dozen, proud thirteen.
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