– A U T H O R –
My poster used to be funny; today, the reality is obscene. Life is a gas, now means the cost just to survive is going through the ceiling. Things didn’t have to be this way. Gas prices reflect politics, pure and simple; the green deal isn’t sustainable; we have no batteries capable of holding the requisite energy storage. I’m all for clean energy when the technology is available. Until then, listening to a bunch of quirky people who don’t know jack about energy’s true cost bully the rest of us sheep into submission is insane. We all wind up like today, suffering because of elite, ignorant politics. Like it? Me either. Reality is for now; tomorrow the green deal; but today, smelly gas has to do, or we walk or ride horses. Well, forget horses; they crap and foul up the ozone. Oh yes, no tennis shoes; they are made out of Petro-chemicals and materials; barefooted seems like the optimal method. You think the elite are going to barefoot it? I don’t either. Until technology catches dreams, we wallow in the filth of our own making. We have petroleum resources here at home; why not use them? Our energy is no dirtier than anyone else’s; nut-cakes aside, we must live.
Life is a gas, getting way more expensive,
Full tank takes away food, so my kids can live.
Use a bicycle or perhaps ride the horse,
Do not have a bike, then there’s horse poop, of course.
Gas is life, or was, till used as a club,
Now you treat people mean; we cut you off, bub.
Smelly fuel, important, brings much modern strife,
Stick it to the aggressor, wield like a knife.
Life is a gas; once, but the fun starts to slip,
Green deal doesn’t fly planes; solar stinks aboard ship.
Consumers howling, gas prices eat up paycheck,
Politics is not planning; dude, what the heck!
Gas is a life, one for which we all pay dearly,
Elite feel no pain like us, not close, nor nearly.
Fill up the car, feed those kids, then pay the rent,
Who takes the blame when pockets don’t hold a cent?
Life is a gas; no, for real, living is fine,
Don’t mind helping others, do not mean to whine.
Energy lies here at home; I hate to sound crass,
We must suck it up cause someone sat on his ass.
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