– A U T H O R –
Not that it takes much, but away my brain went, you know, some early morning magic carpet ride. This is what magic is all about, creating words, pictures, and universes, all from God’s light show at 5:30 this morning. Have a good one.
Walking through dark before dawn brightens east,
Moment is peaceful when people are least.
Time for some thought, figure out who you are,
Came night light from God, brilliant shooting star.
Poses more questions than money in my poke,
Is struggle for nothing, all life but a joke?
In the end, is that me or false avatar?
Brief flare of freedom or the glow from a jar?
It doesn’t take much for mind to wander,
Peaks or valleys, ups better than under.
Really don’t matter; there’s no superstar,
Unless you drive that streak watched from afar.
Pounding and clawing, reach top of the hill,
Always in search of, I’m getting there still.
Beggar-man, thief, driving getaway car,
Cops say you got close, boy, but no cigar.
Thinking of answers, they elude me yet,
Head in the heavens, dewed feet morning wet.
Beating my own drum through a life quite bizarre,
That’s me riding shotgun on yon shooting star.
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