– A U T H O R –
Good, I hope; if not, get better soon. Back to my observation of life: in this instance, a certain road not far from my home caught my eye a while back. Spring Flood Road, out in the middle of nowhere, no water around with a stupid title. I thought about how some hillbilly had to be drinking moonshine when he named this one. How grandiose we are in our techno world and highfalutin ideas of superiority. With that in mind, I dismissed my thinking about this little piece of heaven and some ignorant redneck and drove into the blissfully ignorant sunset. I pause, lest you think me an ass using derogatory terms for my country brothers and sisters. My people are of the earth, dad’s side was hard rock farmers, and my mom’s father was a lead miner. I, too, am a redneck and a hillbilly. Anyway, I got put in my place, and this is that tale.
There’s a quiet road by my place named Spring Flood,
Curious name for a byway to drive on.
A short little thing, only two miles in length,
Whoever labeled it was cracked, but they’re long gone.
Says I to myself, this is somewhat insane,
While my eyes, in vain, looked for a creek nearby.
There’s not even a pond to lose water,
Once that was settled, my brain soon ceased to try.
Forgot all about such trivial musings,
Life stuck it in gear, my thought gone for the day.
Crazy title lost in serious living,
Funny, life arranges importance that way.
Then the rains came, unseen rushing rivulets,
In our land, creeks run through rocks underground.
Jetting to the surface, so ferocious,
Creating danger with no water around.
My lesson in titles came a bit swiftly,
As my truck plowed through brown fluid and mud.
Guessing guy who tagged it wasn’t so stupid,
I am, driving through here during Spring Flood.
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