Now warm winds push in for a bit, causing frigid temperatures to become a memory, albeit a frosty one. Have you ever noticed how quiet snow and cold make everything, though? Sometimes another world moves in, temporarily replacing fast and noisy with slow quiet. Usually, a body has no choice in the matter, nature makes your mind up for you. Think back on the world just past; did the universe decree a period to slow down in, you know, slow motion, silent thinking time quiet. Yea, you are back to work, all quick moving racket and speed. Take time to miss that slow, quiet; quite possibly, you’ll miss it.
Had us a snow, cold weather too
Clogged up the roads, nothing to do
Left deep in my chair dodging cold
Thinks I to me, this is growing old
Here I sat, all invaded with quiet
Folks on their own, most scared to try it
Hop off awhile, the races fast flow
Enjoy scenery, quiet and slow.