– A U T H O R –
1) “The general who wins battles makes many calculations before battle, the loser but a few.” Sun Tzu
I am my father’s son; he was the family’s first college educated man, in Naval Intelligence, an FBI agent, and seldom understood by most. He looked before he leaped, was a millionaire twice, and let it slip away being too nice. I would be second in college, started buying real-estate at twenty-two, go back to school at thirty-eight, become a prosecuting attorney, and not be nearly so nice to those who would take from me and mine. But that’s all in the future. Tonight, is a continuation on how I calculate chance in my present trade. Do something long enough and the law of averages catches up. I always figure to minimize any unnecessary threat, like tonight, so I’m worry free.
This scenario has played many times in my head long before tonight, though not quite in such an abrupt fashion. That’s why I’m able to sit here in the buff having polite conversation prior to being set free, I know the police have nothing on me. Those around me do not figure on advance planning. I see their eyes; how does he keep getting so lucky, well there’s always next time. The future flashes warning, pay attention, this trade has a sharp learning curve.
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