– A U T H O R –
1) “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is noise before defeat.” Sun Tzu
Who knew Sun Tzu taught me through the ages. I always figure my strategy then act on it, like tonight, my noise is mute for I carry no drugs.
2) “If you know your enemy and yourself, you need not fear a hundred battles. If you know only yourself you will lose one battle for every one you win, and if you know neither you will lose every time.” Sun Tzu
These guys never change, they don’t know me at all, assuming I think like them. They have no concept of strategy. I know, I’ve watched them for years. They don’t change; come on duty, act on a hint, nail a perp; a fruitless battle repeated over and over. How many times will I walk away. That part makes me nervous, but not tonight. They say bend over and spread your cheeks, I oblige, bend over facing them, grab my bearded cheeks with both hands and pull sideways; giving them a big grin. To humorless growling, I spin around providing them a shot of my empty a..-hole. Makes me kind of squeamish though baring my backside to all these laughing rednecks, who quit laughing when they are treated to only an empty body cavity. Turning back, I take a seat on the interrogation table, still naked, and have a chat with our county’s finest.
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