Do you remember that old Christmas rhyme? If so, heed it, don’t get so caught up in spending you forget those less fortunate. In a world called entitlement, even the poor are entitled, to eat, to live, and especially to love. Love your neighbor, don’t ignore the old man down the road or that little old lady who lives alone with her old dog. Pay them a visit, make their day, love is both cheap and priceless. Our world seems to thrive on hatred. Starve hatred, send a package of love with some random act of kindness. Gifts from the heart always come back, but don’t expect it. That spoils the fun when love comes back on you. Besides, your return gift may be years in the making and nothing like you anticipated. Merry Christmas, love to all, we need a big dose!
So, you say you’re a kind soul
Plenty of cash with love to spend
Entertain a gift of loving
To a stranger, not a friend.
Make this old-world shine brighter
Not just young, perhaps the old
Live inside your heart my friend
Love stales not, worth more than gold.