– A U T H O R –
Speaking of attitudes, isn’t it
Staggering how the human psyche changes, one minute no quarter asked, none given.
The next, some synapse jolts reality, strategic silence is good, much less painful
Did you get the golden ring, win the prize?
Nobody wants failure, an eternal cause of some sort drives us all,
or is a losing blue funk enveloping your soul, nothing glows, dank shadows, to where:
You’re crawling into your head, shutting out the world;
ah, peace at last, scratching a pleasant thought where it itches, what?
Come back, what do you mean it’s hard to figure me out, normal people don’t act like this;
yea figure this, you’re still number one, you can wait.
Whoa, I detect an attitude?
People saying they figured me out,
Or say hey, we have got you down.
Boy, do we now have your number,
You ain’t got a chance in this town.
Smiling, I nod: inside mind spins,
You don’t have a clue where I fit,
Pound a square peg in a round hole,
Try it: see just how far you get.
Do not paint me into your picture,
I will not rein into your pull.
Can’t fit me into your fashion,
My meal ends when my belly’s full.
Attaining gold starts with a beginning, there’s times silence is golden, that’s winning.
A cause may be won, else all is lost, vibrant world turns to gray what a cost.
Recover within; how quick? Time will tell. Painting me whipped means you don’t know me well.
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